Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

I am not a great fan of Medford knives. Sure they have a very nice recognisable signature, they are very well build & good quality, but for my personal taste too thick blades and too big & heavy in general. If you are looking for an indestructable knife, Medford should be one to explore.

But today I got a very nice offer of one of our respected club members (Bladestock Brothers). Just prior to the meeting he called me by phone and told me he had his eye on a special knife. So he had to free some funds. Hence he offered me his Medford Infraction for a good price.

The Infraction i not so big & heavy (still 165gr.) as most Medfords I am aware off. It is more friendly sized to my taste. And the blade is not that ridiculously thick (still 4.8mm), has a gorgious two tone finish and a superb hollow grind with a blade of S35VN. And Medford ships his knives in very nice, decent packages.

By henkh