My name is Henk and i am from The Netherlands. A couple of years back i got pretty ill, Lyme Disease. The course of the disease was pretty progressive with a lot of inconveniences. I was no longer able to work and even household chores were a torture. Sometimes i had a couple of hours during the day I felt a little better. To drive away boredom, I started making video’s of my knifecollection and uploaded them on Youtube. Really crappy video’s. I had no idea how to make a proper video.
And so it started: I got more involved in the knife community and ended working in the knife industry. And i was very very lucky. I met a medical doctor who gave me the right treatment with medication. Approximately one and a half year after being treated with this medication, i got better and better. Every day I gained more energy and strength. And WE Knife Company crossed my path. Being happy with my video’s about their first 2 designs, they started to ask me questions about several topics. Me getting more energy and stamina, helped them out on several occasions. Because they were very satisfied helping them out, they asked me to help them on a permanent basis. And then it really started. I did a lot of representative work for WE Knife Company and later also a couple of other knife companies. I grew a vast (international) network of respected and well known people in the industry as well as the community.
Because i traded and bought a lot of knives while i was ill, i also had to sell knives. And so i met a lot of people. And knife people are pretty awesome. So a lot of them became friends. While feeling better and more energetic, i started to organise monthly meetings for my friends. I also started recording this meetings. This was the initial fase of our current monthly buddy meetings in our own clubhouse in Zwolle, The Netherlands, called Bladestock Brothers. More about this subject under Knife Community.
During this monthly meetings in my living room, I came up with the idea of doing an annual weekend show in The Netherlands. Immediately a couple of my friends became enthusiast about this idea and so Bladestock was born. (The name was the result of a contest on Youtube. André from Germany came up with the name.) More about this subject under Knife Community.
Now these days i am pretty busy. Involved in a lot of initiatives regarding knives. I founded my own company to support the knife industry with affordable marketing strategies. And I founded a new knife platform where rich content about knives, meets demand & supply.
For a long time I didn’t have time left for my Youtube channel. Unfortunately! Recently I decided that I missed this a lot and so I started again. Now even with livestreams. And still lots of knives. And i want to share what i have, with you. And maybe even do a trade. And sometimes i have some knives for sale. Being a collector, a collection evolves and interest will shift. So always knives for sale or for trade. Though lately i prefer to sell because my house is too small to store more knives. Unfortunately!
Defcon TD1001 -
CRKT made Lightfoot design
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